Get high-brightness results with this chemical pulp paper! Featuring concentrated whiteness and a smooth finish, create brighter prints fast. Use this chemical pulp paper for your most demanding projects! Enjoy the unbeatable whiteness and exceptional brightness of every print. Wood-free paper is created exclusively from chemical pulp rather than mechanical pulp. In this particular paper the wood pulp has been bleached to remove the yellow lignin. The lignin is the wood sap, and sometimes referred to as “the wood”. So by bleaching out the yellow lignin (or wood) the paper is known as Woodfree. Tree-free papers offer an environmentally preferable alternative to tree-based papers for several reasons. The plant sources of tree-free fibers regrow rapidly and the harvesting of the plants does not disrupt natural ecosystems. It refers to printing and writing paper made with less than 10% mechanical pulp. The chemical process for the manufacture of pulp for wood-free paper uses around 50 per cent wood. The benefit of wood-free paper is its high brightness. Get the best out of your printing projects with this chemical pulp paper! High brightness and cleaner prints are guaranteed - get great results now.